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Purposes & Objectives


  • To make membership in the association a reasonable assurance to the public of the skill, integrity, and responsibility of its members.

  • To promote satisfactory standards of the Tile, Marble & Terrazzo (Tile Contractors Association of Hawaii) contracting business at the level necessitated by its quasi-professional character and to establish members of the association in the public mind as contractors who fulfill obligations in good faith.

  • To provide methods and means whereby members may avail themselves of the greater power of combined effort through the association, acting as an authoritative body, in securing just and honorable dealings from the public whom they serve

  • To promote more cordial and cooperative relations between Tile, Marble & Terrazzo Contractors (Tile Contractors Association of Hawaii), as nearly as possible, on a parity with the risks assumed by other industries of production.

  • To protect the legitimate market for the services of Tile, Marble and Terrazzo Contractors (Tile Contractors Association of Hawaii) against encroachment by governmental and other agencies.

  • To eliminate waste and reduce construction costs through research and through cooperation with other agencies of construction.

  • To eliminate, as far as possible, the occurrence of injury and death to Tile, Marble and Terrazzo (Tile Contractors Association of Hawaii) construction workers.

  • To promote peaceful and harmonious relations between employers and employees.

  • To negotiate and execute labor agreements which are applicable to and cover operations within the state of Hawaii in the Tile, Marble and Terrazzo (Tile Contractors Association of Hawaii) construction industry for employer members of the association, but only for and on behalf of those members who authorize the Association to so represent them pursuant to the provisions of the by-laws.

  • To do any and all lawful things that may be necessary for or conducive toward the attainment of any and all the objects and purposes here and above expressed.



Regular Member – a person, firm or corporation who is a signatory member of the union and duly licensed by the State of Hawaii Contractors License Board in any of the following classifications as they now exist or as they may be amended in the future and who is principally and actively engaged as a specialty contractor of subcontractor in such line (s) of endeavor:
C-51 tile Contractor
C-S1a Cultured Marble Contractor
C-51b Terrazzo Contractor


Each company is entitled to one vote in all matters that are brought for a vote before the Association.  Proxy vote shall not under any circumstances be allowed.


Each Regular Member will be entitled to name two representatives to attend Association meetings, to hold office, to serve on Association committees and to otherwise participate in the affairs and activities of the Association.  The representatives, as named by the Regular Member, shall be officers or bonafide supervisory or management employees of the Regular Member’s company.


Associate Member – Any person, firm or corporation who is engaged in the sale or manufacturing of supplies, materials and/or equipment used by Regular Members and is not a member of the union. Bonding and insurance firms, financial institutions, professional engineers, architects and estimating services and similar persons, firms or corporations who provide services to Regular Members and whose membership as an Associate Member is approved as such but he Board of Directors.


Associate membership shall be on a company basis with each Associate Member being entitled to name one representative to participate in the affairs and activities of the Association.  Representatives of Associate Members may attend any meetings of the Association and have the privilege of the floor, may be appointed as members of any standing committee, but shall not vote.

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